Too many Americans are growing up on a steady diet of extremely violent video games, and easy access to guns.
So why should we be shocked, dazed, and confused by the increasing number of troubled children and young adults who go all-the-way crazy and start trying to kill people for real?
The time has come for the American people to make our elected officials aware of our deep concerns regarding the need for an urgent review of restrictions on the distribution of video games with violent content.
In addition to increased attention to the activities of their heirs, parents, as well as all concerned citizens, should issue a nationwide call for legislation that would create a better understanding for consumers of violent video games of what generally happens to perpetrators of violent acts, and their victims.
Natural Light Network, therefore, strongly suggests that violent video games should be required to include a documentary that clearly illustrates the injuries suffered by victims of violence, and the grief of families that have lost loved ones in senseless acts of depravity.
The documentary should also include detailed accounts of what happens to angry, disillusioned, young men who end up in jail when they try to take their fantasies of aggression from TV screens to real life scenes.
As always, your feedback is a valuable part of our networking projects.
-Natural Light Network
© 2017 Paul Howard Nicholas